



  1. 因應101年10月1日個人資料保護法施行,非因公務需要,本信箱不會在未經您同意之情況下,任意將您的個人資料提供他人使用。但基於行政機關均有法定職掌與專業分工,本信箱收到您的電子郵件後,如涉及所屬部會權責業務,將轉請主管單位處理並逕行回復,因此您的個人基本資料(如姓名、聯絡電話、電子郵件信箱等),將隨同電子郵件內容一併轉知主管單位。
  2. 如您所提內容、身分有保密之需要,或考量電子傳送可能產生之資訊安全風險,請您改以書面郵寄至本處(地址: 106606 臺北市羅斯福路二段95號3樓,經濟部中小及新創企業署收),本處再視權責歸屬,行文各主管單位處理。如因檢舉內容、身分有保密之需要,並請加註「保密」字樣。

Please read the following before submitting your message:

  1. In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, which came into effect October 1, 2012, we will not release your personal information to a third party without your consent unless required for official business. As government agencies have different jurisdictions and areas of expertise, we may forward your email to the appropriate ministry or agency for reply. Your basic information (including name, phone number and email address) will be forwarded along with your message.
  2. If you are concerned about the risks associated with online exchanges, you may submit a letter by regular post to the Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (3rd Fl. No. 95, Sec.2, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 106606, Taiwan). If you would like to keep your message or identity confidential, please indicate "Confidential" on the letter. We will forward your letter to the appropriate unit for processing.
